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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

out with the old and in with the new

its that time of the year. clean out the freezer, can it or throw it away. to make room for new stuff. strawberries yum; blueberries yum; blackberries yum; peaches yum; tomatoes yum. the list goes on and on
. i found well the Lord directed me to a patch of organic blueberries on side of road. can't wait to pick. maybe one month. blackberries all along sides of dirt roads soon maybe 1 or 2 weeks. can't wait to pick. strawberries well a new sweet friend mrs. ((( baker? don't know her first name, brought ba
ck to me freshly picked strawberries when she picked up her order. so many pints plus quarts frozen in freezer. pretty sight! tomatoes soon. got a new member in my house.he will go outside when he is about 4 mo's old. he will take care of all those mice, rats, squirrels and snakes that have become very bold around my house. some hugh dog came in yard and killed my "no name".
. the way he was killed and dismembered told me it was a large dog.miss him. we had a funeral and everything while my grandson's were here from fl. soon and very soon my household will increase by 2!!! i am so excited but sometimes fear creeps in. i'm getting older and they are young. i don't want to be fuddy dud but i so want them to know this is their home forever, they are mine and they are loved thru and thru.
. trisha and destiny. can't wait. hope they love here as much as i do. please pray for us as we begin a new journey. their mommy died from breast cancer. i am their great aunt. gotta close but remember your sin or ugliness is never so big, never so deep, never so stinky that our heavenly Father can't clean you up. He is so good and all the time