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Saturday, December 27, 2014

the little things do matter most of the time

so you see that hair? the picture in the middle. i forgot to comb it! kids opened their gifts and i forgot to comb it! part of family, the ones that live up here, came over for dinner, i forgot to comb my hair! But I did remember the next day when the oldest and I started out on our trail ride. A trail ride that lasted from 9 in the morning until 9 that night. 10 stores later, 15 bags later, and 120 miles later but I remembered my hair. We had to spend all her Christmas money that day. really this was one of the best Christmas for me. THe girls said it was for them. Maybe that's why it was for me? Dinner was perfect. We ate and then the big kids, we went outside by fire and sat there for almost 4 hours. Girls and Trevor
, that is trevor in the black, (lol) stayed inside and played with their "toys". littlelist one loved her DS, she played all day yesterday on it while at her Aunt Brandy's. My son had a Christmas tree up, presents underneath, and repairing the house!!! But most of all it was the month leading up to Christmas, Advent. We here at this house, everyday read the daily reading of Advent by Ann Voscamp of Holy Experience. Hung our Advent ornament. Read a prayer for that day (besides our daily prayers). Everyday we had an excursion to attend or prepare. To think He was a baby. A baby to hold, hug, kiss. Kiss His (that baby) feet, kiss His hands. As He cried, hold Him. He wants us to do that today and He came as a child but is God. Emmanuel. God with us. May my kids, the kids I raise, the kids that you gave me late in life, may their hearts, may my heart, always be tender toward the things of You!!! I love you Lord and You are my life and whatever is left over is my kids.
woman at the well. that was me and today I drink from The well.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Chapter of old book called Life

friday, yes friday i will picking up two new (family-) girls down in central florida and they will be coming back with me to georgia. these two will be mine. yes i know. did you say "aren't you 64"?. why yes i am. aren't these girls 12 and 9? why yes they are. two girls that my sister didn't want but you know the devil does things like that. she isn't the devil but she has allowed evil ways into her backyard. she doesn't even realize the evil is lurking. their precious young mama died 3 years ago and these girls never had the opportunity of grieving for their mother. dad took parts of their lives that wasn't his. almost destroyed them. but they are mine now.
and like my other grandkids i pray i don't smother them to death. i do that you know. smother. had my children and my grandkids say mom "it's ok, we are ok, we can do this". smothering is another word for not "trusting" our Lord. Lord give me wisdom to have knowledge and understanding of things of this life that you have given me!. i've got my homeschool books but that doesn't mean anything, lol. i have to know how to use them also, ha. oh i pray they come to love these dirt roads. love the scent of the many pine groves. love picking and canning tomatoes. hunting and pecking for blackberries. gathering chicken eggs everyday. i pray they love the simple things but most of all love our Big God with all their heart, soul and body!!!!. cannot wait to snuggle with them. lie on the couch together and read. sit by the fire together with them and roast marshmallows. can't wait. i love you trish and destiny. thank you breann.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


i sit here. lay down. sit up. eat a bowl of ice cream. go get chips and a coke. sit. watch tv. oh i'm busy with a lot of things but i find i'm looking at the clock and watching time. why? the girls should have been with me by now. because of a lie by a social worker it has been delayed. oh they will be here and my heavenly Father knew this and is looking for my response. i'm still looking at the clock and watching and waiting. oh i'm busy with a lot of things (repeat). i'm so very grateful they are with a foster family that truly loves them and is teaching them about you Lord!
their room is complete now they just have to add their personal little stuff.
i'll just wait and sit here and eat chips and a coke. i'll get that ice cream in a minute.
in the mean time i will serve the Lord as i'm waiting. Jaybird springs camp again this weekend. so exciting to see kids/youth enjoy each other and have a great time while worshiping our Lord and Savior. each camp has been so very faithful in having special times of devotions, bible studies, and activities honoring our Lord. next time i write prayerfully i'll have the girls. PTL Praise the Lord

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

you are an author

reading different tweets, instagram, facebook and emails; it came to me that we each have a story and we each are an author! beginning is important, middle exciting, tense, sad, burdensome, and to the top of the moon and back but the end. yes the end is what is the most important. those that endure the race to the end. will your book tell of you enduring the race to the end?
this is the middle. preparing their room. a room that will be a sanctuary for them from a life of dungeon, abuse, not belonging.
God your Word is explicit. you, that is me, is worse than an infidel if i do not take care of my own. give me your wisdom, your understanding, your knowledge, in raising these girls my new two girls. they are mine. i've always been selfish with my kids. they are mine but really on loan. Lord may these two be your handmaidens. may they be world changers for Your Kingdom.
i love you Lord.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

out with the old and in with the new

its that time of the year. clean out the freezer, can it or throw it away. to make room for new stuff. strawberries yum; blueberries yum; blackberries yum; peaches yum; tomatoes yum. the list goes on and on
. i found well the Lord directed me to a patch of organic blueberries on side of road. can't wait to pick. maybe one month. blackberries all along sides of dirt roads soon maybe 1 or 2 weeks. can't wait to pick. strawberries well a new sweet friend mrs. ((( baker? don't know her first name, brought ba
ck to me freshly picked strawberries when she picked up her order. so many pints plus quarts frozen in freezer. pretty sight! tomatoes soon. got a new member in my house.he will go outside when he is about 4 mo's old. he will take care of all those mice, rats, squirrels and snakes that have become very bold around my house. some hugh dog came in yard and killed my "no name".
. the way he was killed and dismembered told me it was a large dog.miss him. we had a funeral and everything while my grandson's were here from fl. soon and very soon my household will increase by 2!!! i am so excited but sometimes fear creeps in. i'm getting older and they are young. i don't want to be fuddy dud but i so want them to know this is their home forever, they are mine and they are loved thru and thru.
. trisha and destiny. can't wait. hope they love here as much as i do. please pray for us as we begin a new journey. their mommy died from breast cancer. i am their great aunt. gotta close but remember your sin or ugliness is never so big, never so deep, never so stinky that our heavenly Father can't clean you up. He is so good and all the time

Friday, April 11, 2014

As He said, I've never been down this road before

She, the home inspection worker, is coming thursday. wants to make sure my house can house 2 young girls. last night as i was praying, being honest with the Lord, you know He already knows. i admitted to not being sure of this new venture. of being afraid of doing this all over when i now have grandchildren. a little afraid of not having my own time anymore, you name it, i confessed it.
< WHAT ABOUT THEIR MEMORIES? the morning came and knew without a doubt our precious Holy Spirit ministered to me all night as i had an excitement this morning. first thing got my forms for dr. to confirm i'm physically and mentally, lol, capable of caring for them.i'm excited so pray for me in the adventure. ' Remember all the children of Compassion

Saturday, April 5, 2014

incredible beauty

viewing different sites that ann voscamp had on her blog "A Holy Experience" my thoughts followed one theme, BEAUTY. such incredible beauty that included thousands of cherry blossoms blooming across the world. hundreds of thousand of blooms across costa rica (.http://www.boredpanda.com/surreal-animal-portraits-katerina-plotnikova)  a little girl hunched over a chair napping. wild animals and tame people hugging each other. and my own backyard!! wisteria hanging low and abundant. the fragrance wild. so why do girls go to such length to show they are "beautiful" or guys to show they are "buff". all of this beauty came from within but also was seen by ones that had a tender heart. so the question is "what hardened your heart" so that beauty isn't seen in the everyday. how did you lose that innocence that now drives you to artificially fill your day with nonsense  _________. you fill in the blank.

as i read a post by Compassion International this morning, it referred to a prior post by someone as to children across the world and their prize toy? Compassion without a doubt has given their children a prize supported by contributors with love. a love that came from Jesus.  a truth that reads "THAT JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO". our children , compassion children, know this, because we support them in love, in deed, in finance and in prayer. 

so i ask you what did you put in the blank ____________.

God is good and good all the time.

Oh God keep my heart child like and my faith child like so that i believe just because You said it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Isaiah's Words

Trying to savor the moments and create memories for them and me. They are proof that God restores what the canker worm tried to eat and make beauty from ashes. My children's lives turned upside down in their teen years by someone I trusted and they had every right to trust. Today though as with my grandchildren, my children are new  creations. So very grateful for God's great mercy and great grace. The season is here for new growth. In all areas. The fields are being turned in dirt and in body. Fertilizer being spread. We delve deep into God's Word for nourishment. Sun shines brightly begging the seeds to look upward. Our precious Holy Spirit shining brightly directing us upward to our heavenly Father.

my neck of the woods
love bubbling creek

love bonfires
yeah they are hotshots
always excited meeting up

Won't be long and these two will go back to their home. Memories will be treasured and savored and counted! Little One said he needed this "a little bit of Georgia--little bit of woods and dirt roads". Older one always the protector. Fine young man. Memories--surround me every day! Memories--

Thursday, March 13, 2014

memories of another lenten year!

you are never going to believe this but I finally found my blog. yes it has been over a year but with a friend's urging, not because we had a conversation about this, but because of reading her blog, made the blood start pumping. thank you . teena price of grace.love.peace. blog.. as time flies or flys, i am more aware every day of making memories with my loved ones. may it be in person. may it be traveling with them. may it be that special telephone call. may it be that simple "i love you". my prayer is that i am uncomfortable in my comforts as i read about the precious children Compassion International or Gospel for Asia or many more and am more active to do more. on another note, so very grateful that this 103 temp of my body lasted only 3 days but it was ruff. i'm not as young as i used to be, lol. reminders everywhere. my brain doesn't function as fact or as easily as before especially when trying to download different apps from my phone. exhausting, geeze. oooh but i did get the new word of the day and i knew it was a word. just needed to get the rest of world aware. THINGAMAJIG. isn't she beautiful. this will go well with my applachian dialect that i'm so fond of. well i'm going to try to add some pics to this blog, update it and post. praying grace abounds in your life today. katy